Yellowstone Ballet Academy Policies


Vacation Days: We follow the Livingston School District holiday schedule. Occasionally we will offer classes on holidays. Please check with the studio.

Performances: The Nutcracker, School Recital , Spring and Summer performance opportuities TBD

Registration: No student may take class without a signed registration form and release on file. Registration fees are not refundable.

Withdrawals and Refunds: We require a two month minimum for all lessons. Payments are for holding a place in the class. There are no refunds for missed classes. One-month notice from the first of the month is required to discontinue classes. To withdraw from class a parent or adult student must complete and sign a Withdrawal Form provided by the school office. All unprocessed checks, dated after the one month notice period, will be returned at the time of withdrawal or a refund will be given.

Uniforms: Please support the school and purchase your uniforms at the studio.

  • Teddy-Bear through Pre-Ballet- pink leotard, light pink footed tights, Capezio Daisy shoes.
  • Level 1 - white skirted leotard, pink Capezio or Sansha ballet shoes, pink tights.
  • Level 2 – light blue cotton leotard, pink Capezio or Sansha ballet shoes, pink tights
  • Level 3 – navy blue skinny strap cotton leotard, pink Capezio or Sansha ballet shoes, pink tights
  • Level 4 - royal blue skinny strap cotton leotard, pink Capezio or Sansha ballet shoes, pink tights
  • Intermediate/Advanced - solid colored leotard, light pink tights, Capezio or Sansha slippers.
  • Company class - black leotard, pink tights, no shorts or skirts.
  • Boys - black tights or shorts, black or white shoes with tights or socks, white t- shirt.
  • Contemporary- Comfortable clothes, jazz shoes, ballet shoes, tap shoes.

Care of Students: The school is not responsible for before or after class care of students. Young children must be accompanied in the restroom .  Children must be picked up immediately after class.

Grooming:  All students are expected to be well groomed for class. That means clean uniforms and hair away from face. All female students in levels 1 and above are required to wear tightly secured buns.

Etiquette: No food or drink (except water) allowed in studio. No Gum period.

Discounts: 10% discount for siblings. 10% discount for extra classes over 3 per week.

Encouragement: Encourage your child and help them get through the hard days. The repetition required in ballet may make them feel bored. Help them understand that repetition is what will make them a better dancer.  Make ballet days special days!

Complaints: Complaints regarding anything associated with Yellowstone Ballet School should be brought up to the school director. Complaints regarding anything associated with Yellowstone Ballet Company should be directed to a board member.

Yellowstone Ballet School

Code of Conduct

RESPECT YOURSELF:  Dance clothes must be clean. Come to class well groomed with hair secured away from face. No inappropriate language. Be on time. Report absences in advance.

RESPECT YOUR PEERS:  Treat everyone with dignity, kindness and respect. Words & actions should be uplifting and encouraging. Do not verbally or physically harass others. Harassment includes inappropriate comments or conversations about others (including letters, phone calls, emails, texts, blogs). Gossip and bullying is damaging to classmates. It distracts dancers from their focus at YBS, which is to learn to dance & support one another in this endeavor.

RESPECT YOUR ENVIRONMENT:  Only water is allowed in studio.  No food, gum, sodas, etc. Eating in lobby area only. Clean up after yourself. Trash must be disposed in trashcans.  Keep hands off props, scenery, costumes & other people’s property. No running or horsing around. Use a quiet voice in the lobby. No IPods, laptops, or cell phone use in studio during class.

RESPECT YOUR TEACHERS: Maintain a respectful attitude toward instructors, guests, board members, and parents. Pay attention in the classroom. This requires a positive attitude and putting forth one’s best efforts at all times.

Student behavior that causes distraction, discouragement or damage to the classroom, ballet building, theatre or to anyone associated with YBS, will not be tolerated.

•Anyone who witnesses or is aware of a violation to this code of conduct is expected to report it to the School Director
•Violations of this code may result in one of the following disciplinary actions: a verbal warning, “time out”, dismissal from class, notification of parents/legal guardians, meeting with the school director, and/or  meeting with parents/legal guardians.